Enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are part and parcel for many organisations that need to cover a number of practices throughout department bodies.

From sales and inventory tracking to gauging accounts payable, receivable, forecasting for future windows, engaging with customers and stakeholders to assessing project development and leveraging key commercial agreements, there are ERP software packages in Australia that cover these subjects in detail.

Given the competition that exists in the market, there will be outlets that continue to sell well while others lag behind.

What is the reason behind this dynamic and are there particular selling points that dictate which packages are enticing to consumers and what is left on the shelf?

Packages That Enjoy The Best Customer Reviews

One of the main drivers behind ERP software packages in Australia will be the sales of the product. Naturally, this will lead to a chicken vs egg scenario – what actually comes first, the quality of the product or the popularity of the brand? Yet it stands to reason that commercial participants who are interested in these platforms will gauge the market and assess what industry peers introduce into their workplace. The ratings, reviews and feedback published for these brands will heavily influence what constituents decide. 

Designs That Transition Well From Existing Systems

ERP software

Businesses don’t decide to invest in ERP software packages in Australia on a whim. These systems have an overarching influence on every stage of the enterprise and when the call comes to make a switch, the challenge is all about making the change smooth and as easy as possible. The products that sell the best in this market will ensure that the transition is seamless and logistically simple to execute. The last challenge that ownership and management want to encounter is extensive delays and complications arising from a new ERP interface.

Brands That Deliver Comprehensive Customer Support

The change to ERP software packages in Australia is helped when brands offer clients the chance to engage a well functioning customer support system. This will enable local members to get up to speed on the dashboard, the features and how it will adapt to their commercial needs. Without this assistance, outlets will be left to face greater delays and incur higher costs, something that every business will want to avoid.

Products That Improve Security Measures

Purchasing ERP software packages in Australia can only be done when clients know that their data is in safe hands. Thankfully there has been an embrace of cloud-based computing technologies, ensuring that organisations encrypt their information and only limit access to authorised parties. For those that are shopping across the market and want to find a solution, they will commonly opt for platforms that deliver on security assurances.

Utilities That Embrace Automation

From customer relationship management (CRM) to reporting, forecasting, data analytics, inventory management, sales and supply chain provisions, there will be scope with ERP software packages in Australia to automate these exercises. This will allow the brand to save time and money with their staff, leveraging a smart resource that takes the pressure off participants. In the current landscape, there is no need for organisations to be doing all of the heavy lifting when they have ERP software packages in Australia at their disposal.


How much will these systems cost? Are they set at a one-off price point or do they work on a subscription basis? This is the key point for interested business parties as they survey the market for options. While the deluxe brands have the luxury to afford the best packages, this is a delicate process that needs people to review their financial position and outline what is workable for their budget.